
Microsoft - Digital Peace Now

Microsoft -
Digital Peace Now


SSM&L, working with the client-side team from Microsoft, built the Digital Peace Now campaign from the ground up to raise awareness of the danger of cyberwarfare, and what we can do to protect our shared digital community. As a designer on the team, I assisted in the Creative Director in the development of visual elements for the initial launch based on their designs. In the years post-launch, I’ve created unique assets and videos for numerous campaigns and events in the name of education and awareness of the looming cyber threat. As the brand has evolved from a campaign launched at Global Citizen Festival to a formal 501c3 nonprofit, so too have I and the team at SSM&L continued to evolve the look and feel.


Gold honor, audience honor - micro-site or blog
finalist - storytelling

DPN’s Still Vulnerable campaign is a collection of real stories; interviews from real people who have been affected by cyberattacks, wether in the workplace, in education, in healthcare, or in their own homes. For each of these stories, I read through the interview searching for visual metaphors that could connect these somewhat sterile stories to a universal human emotion of being in danger, or finding yourself at an impasse. The soft, slightly amorphous figures are intended to be a stand-in for the reader, because anyone can be affected by a cyberattack, and these attacks have a real impact on our lives and well-being.

Video Projects

Pairing the graphic elements of Digital Peace Now with compelling b-roll, music, and scripted narration from one of our experts, I have produced a number of videos for DPN including one-offs and educational series’.

The Navigation Bar

Pick Up The Paris Call

DPN University

Social Media

Various social images and gifs for social, using and expanding on the DPN palette and graphic toolkit.

Brandon Pogrob
| Senior Graphic Designer
Max Peskin | Senior Copywriter
Sam White
| Senior Account Executive
Katya Myagkova
| Account Director
Claire Tonneson | Account Director
Michelle Kushner | Associate Creative Director
Majel Peters | Creative Director
Naomi Zinner | Vice President, Creative Team