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Feeding America

Feeding America


2022 PSAs

Working off of a script developed by the Senior Copywriter, I storyboarded the 60s spot and 30s and 15s cutdowns. The first of these spots featured Connie Britton of Friday Night Lights and The White Lotus, and the second featured Shanola Hampton of Shameless.

Our production partner, Lathien, was on-sight to film each spot and do post-production. I assisted with feedback on the final cuts.

2020 Sizzle Reel

Following a year in which food insecurity reached previously unheard of levels due to the onslaught of Covid, Feeding America wanted to recognize the hard work of their organization, and the people involved, who were on the frontlines curbing the widespread hunger problem that reached an inflection point during lockdown. After reviewing a long list of press hits, I developed a loose narrative and edited it together, supplementing with music and adding certain text callouts throughout. I communicated directly with the client to share and explain work, as well as with the Creative Director and Senior Copywriter to ensure that the narrative was on-message, and spoke to Feeding America’s leadership in the fight against food insecurity.

Brandon Pogrob
| Senior Graphic Designer
Max Peskin | Senior Copywriter
Andrew Helms | Project Manager
Michelle Kushner | Associate Creative Director
Majel Peters | Creative Director
Naomi Zinner | Vice President, Creative Team